Sunday, June 3, 2007

En Bi's First Splish Splash Splosh

On May 31, Lil' Miss Fei (2nd character of En Bi's name) made her first waves in the baby pool at the premises of our very own home. Splish! Splash! Splosh! The weather was not as hot as it could be, so the water was a not as lukewarm as I wished it would have been. Nevertheless, since we were all in our swimsuits, we reckoned that Miss Fei would be able to withstand the temperature anyways.

So, there we were! There were only 3 other persons at the baby pool. A father and his two kids. This father was very conscious of Miss Fei being around and kept telling his kids, "Baby swimming, don't go near!" Really glad to meet such a considerate man, considering the fact that I didn't want Miss Fei's first venture into the waters to start on a disappointing note.

We plopped Miss Fei into the float that we had just bought at Toys R Us (just the day before at offer price) and she seemed pretty comfortable in it. Phew ~~ I, for one, was pretty worried that she wouldn't like it and my $ would go down the drain. Kids, very unpredictable. So yar, here's a picture of her in her pretty pink-and-blue swimming gear (also just bought the day before at our neighbourhood shopping mall).

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