Today we left the house at 9.45am and set off for the Botanic Garden's in Grandpa's car. We had breakast at Cafe Les Amis. It was a very interesting time, watching the birds and the dogs and the people! I had some toast while watching all the things happen around me. It was so fascinating that I lost the mood to eat the cereal that mummy had prepared for me. She was pretty upset, i couldsee.
After breakfast, we took a walk for about 20 mins trying to look for the Children's Garden, but couldn't find it. Boy was the weather hot! We decided to detour back to the car cos we had taken a long enough walk in the hot sun. Of course we took some pictures for this little excursion and I would like to share them with you!
it's better to drive to jacob ballas and park there instead of going from botanical garden side. it's quite far esp in the hot sun
Last time when I didn't know any better... Thanks though!
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