Sunday, May 2, 2010

Classes on Sundays? What a drag!

We're at Evans on a Sunday morning... Oh... what a drag. When it was time to leave home for Julia Gabriels, I was thinking to myself, 'What on earth did you get yourself into? What were you thinking when you asked for a Sunday morning class? Argh!'

So, I reminded myself throughout the drive to Evans Road that I will definitely ask Sabrina to please, please help me switch to a weekday class. Luckily, very luckily, there was still a slot for us for the Monday morning class. Yay!

That not being the only thing that made the day a little better, on the way to wash Seo Yeon's grubby little hands, I saw a familiar craftwork on the Mandarin Playclub board. Hey! It's Seo Yeon's work, her pumpkin face. So happy and proud, I quickly snapped a couple of pictures of her work.

Thoughts at the end of the day: Duty alone is drudgery; duty with love is delight. I have yet to reach that oooooommmm stage, if you know what I mean.

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