Friday, June 11, 2010

At Zoophonics Too

En Bi also went for Zoophonics Holiday Workshop for a week. Hers was a drop-off in the late morning. Teacher D was sick for 2 days and so Seo Yeon's teacher, Teacher LJ, took the class on Wednesday & Thursday. En Bi enjoyed Teacher D's fun-loving teaching as she was always telling me what Teacher D taught her today.

On her first day after the workshop, she recited the colours of the rainbow to me. In fact, previously, she could already recite the colours of the rainbow, just missing out "indigo". This time, she could recite fully the all 7 colours of the rainbow. My mother was impressed! Haha. En Bi went on to tell me excitedly about the shadows that the her friends and her cast during the workshop. Sounded fun!

The second day, she presented me with 2  words, "chlorophyll" and "photosynthesis". Woohoo! Now, not only were the words impressive to me (coming from a 3YO), the articulation was also good! The only thing was, she was not able to explain what these words were clearly. All I heard was " know.... the grass...". Absolutely hilarious!

On the last day, she brought back a "skunk" folder containing the week's worth of craft and worksheets. I definitely think she enjoyed the workshop as she kept talking about going back to Zoophonics!

Verdict: Definitely going back!


Anonymous said...

SOunds great. Now you have found a great holiday program location. Haha

mommykim said...

Absolutely right! It's grrreat! Thanks to your 'direction'!